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Blog 7 - This is my thing.

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This is my thing. I film stuff good.

Ok. Well, obviously this is what I worked on most throughout. I remember the least about this class though as It has become an amalgamation of everything else that I've spoken about and worked through.

Because of this I'm going to pretend I wasn't at class and do the missed part. Love you Rikki.

The lighting I decided on early and from this point on was always going to be Mrs. L Paramounted from above while Malik was to be side-lit on the short side. Mrs. L has done her time in the dark and now as a major crime family boss she no longer has a reason to hide. Paramount lighting shows her but keeps her feminine angles shown without making her flat. It keeps her mysterious and scary. Malik is sidelit to show his 2 sides, the dark side where he wants to progress and rise through the ranks and the softer, lighter side that cares about his family. So one light above each as the key light, a small dedo by Malik to light his face, A dedo behind camera and over Mrs. L, and then bounce to fill both.

Throughout I wanted to keep the shots quite still and tight. This represents the tension and constricted emotion we want to portray Malik in, and try to get the audience to empathise and feel the same way. So for many of the shots a 50mm will be utilised.

We did numerous camera tests and decided if we overexposed in S-Log, we were able to really crunch the darkness down in the scene, making it super dark and moody. If we didn't do it this way, the colours of the bar would seep too much into the scenes and ruin the tone.